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LDmicro Forum - Attiny85 not working after flashed

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Attiny85 not working after flashed (by Victor)

I've succesfully used LDmicro programs with Arduino Nano's (atmega368) before.

Now I wanted to flash another LDmicro program on a Attiny85 that is on a breadboard. But nothing happens.

Do I need to configure the hex file for the Attiny85?
Add a bootloader or what am I doing wrong?

I've attached my project below.

Wed Oct 21 2020, 13:32:40, download attachment LED_on_attiny85.ld
(no subject) (by Ziggy)
If you change the microcontroller, You need to recompile the ladder to suit the new microcontroller.
In your case in microcontroller pull down menu select ATmega85, make sure fuses are set to suit the clock shoices and recompile the program to generate a hex file for that specific microcontroller.
No boot loader needed( in general it will depend on your programing setup )
Wed Oct 21 2020, 15:45:02
(no subject) (by Gilmar Roberto Alves)
Estou com o mesmo problema, mas deve ser algum bug na compilação. Não precisa de bootload para grava o arquivo HEX no chip. Tem que funcionar como um PIC12F675 que funciona corretamente. Optei por usar o Attiny, porque tem maior capacidade de memoria. Mas infelizmente não funciona.
Wed Oct 21 2020, 16:00:04
to Ziggy (by Victor)
Yeah I know and I have done just that but my Attiny85 won't light up my LED I have connected to PB0.
I want to use the internal crystal and keep it kinda default fuses. I've attached a picture of my fuse settings.
You can see my MCU settings in the project file I first posted.
Thu Oct 22 2020, 14:19:22, download attachment 2020-10-22_20-16-30.png
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