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LDmicro Forum - Error

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Error (by Zoran)
Why is this error 16F877A
Sun Apr 26 2020, 09:49:33, download attachment Error.gif
(no subject) (by MGP)
Text from CHANGES.TXT in the zipfile

* PULSER instruction tested with ATmega2560 (both HEX->ASM and AVR-GCC compilers)
PULSER instruction tested with PIC16F887 (both HEX->ASM and HI-TECH C compilers)
See: https://github.com/LDmicro/LDmicro/wiki/PULSER

Only for C compiling!
Sun Apr 26 2020, 10:51:46
(no subject) (by Zoran)
is that mean it is not usable in real life I need hex file to download to 16f877A.
I understand how it works but I am not familiar with C compilers
Sun Apr 26 2020, 11:29:32
(no subject) (by MGP)
The hexfile is contained in the zipfile you can find in the link.
I cannot help you any further with C.
Sun Apr 26 2020, 13:03:57
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