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LDmicro Forum - DHT11

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DHT11 (by ikram jadoon)
are its posable to use dh11 sensor by ldmicro.
Thu Apr 9 2020, 18:27:43
(no subject) (by José)
I have read DHT11 datasheet.

It uses a sigle line as input/output ; it's annoying.
But the main pb is that bits 0/1 are coded as high level durations, which (1 believe) will be very difficult to measure in ldmicro because of fixed cycle time.

It would be easy instead with arduino, by using the pulseIn() function...

Fri Apr 10 2020, 03:19:35
(no subject) (by Paulino)
This humidity and temperature sensor the output is analog with LDMicro you can read the temperature, I have put the technical sheet, I have not tested it but I think it will be worth it

Fri Apr 10 2020, 12:24:39
(no subject) (by José)
Dear Paulino

Your datasheet is about another sensor.
According to what I read, DH(T)11 sensors are digital...
Fri Apr 10 2020, 13:20:50
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