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LDmicro Forum - Why presist funtion not run

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Why presist funtion not run (by MedTronic)
i attach a file which persist function dose not save ... why
please help
Sat Feb 22 2020, 09:19:00, download attachment M87SegmentBoard.rar
Why presist funtion not run (by Paulino)
Hola adjunto un programa para que veas como se hacen los persistente (guardar un valor que no se pierda que cuando se retire la energia y se ponga la energia siga en el valor que estava guardado en epron).
Porfavor cargue su programa en .LD y visualizare donde hesta su error.
Hello, I have attached a program so you can see how the persistent ones are made (save a value that is not lost so that when the energy is removed and the energy is put on, it will continue at the value that was stored in epron).
Please upload your program to .LD and see where your error is.
Sat Feb 22 2020, 10:11:45, download attachment mando2_canales_V-T-M-pic16f88con filtro.ld
(no subject) (by MedTronic)
thanks to your replay . . i already test the program with pic16f628 and the persist function work normal ... but with atmega8 i don't know why not working
thanks again
Sat Feb 22 2020, 11:19:00
(no subject) (by MedTronic)
I test the persist function with atmega8 it is not working
a file is attached
Sat Feb 22 2020, 11:43:13, download attachment persist.ld
Por qué la diversión presist no se ejecuta (by Paulino)
I don't have any atmega8 to try but co atmega32 works try changing the name Saved to another name or saved1, it has to be taken into account as described in the manual to change the names of the variables and not use the names that the examples already have .
Also in the fuses in some cases you have to say in which bit you have to start recording the e-pron memory.

I don't have any atmega8 to try but co atmega32 works try changing the name Saved to another name or saved1, it has to be taken into account as described in the manual to change the names of the variables and not use the names that the examples already have.
Sat Feb 22 2020, 12:41:06
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Como lo he hecho, copilo LDMicro A archivo.Hex
En la configuracion de microcontrolador coloca el timer en 0 no 1, esto se tiene que tener en cuenta lo de los timer en la configuracion.
te adjunto el .hex para que lo prueves, me gustaria si te funciona correctamente que me informes.
Gracias Paulino
As I have done, I copile LDMicro to file.Hex
In the microcontroller configuration set the timer to 0 no 1, this must take into account the timer in the configuration.
I attached the .hex for you to try, I would like it if it works correctly for you to inform me.
Thanks Paulino
Tue Feb 25 2020, 14:49:42, download attachment PresistTest.asm
(no subject) (by ismanto)
I have similiar problem, PERSIST is not work on atmega328.
Sun Mar 8 2020, 06:04:47
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