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LDmicro Forum - Ldmicro configure window properties

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Ldmicro configure window properties (by Alex)
hello, for next release could it be possible to set an option where we can configure our window properties, for example by adding or removing mcu´s we use the most, for makink that window smaller, maybe other options, but for now, i have made a PDF for better explanation, please check
Sat Nov 9 2019, 10:20:57, download attachment ldmicro configure window properties.pdf
(no subject) (by José)
Hi Alex

I think we should devide this big menu into several submenus,
with AVRs, PICs, ARMs an so on...

Sun Nov 10 2019, 05:05:02
(no subject) (by Alex)
Hi Jose
that could be an option too :),i know it is not that important for now, but maybe for next release there could be submenus as you said and also like mine, after all, it will depend on the user, if the user prefers submenus or a 2.3 classic view, for example, we can congif our window colors it depends on the user
Sun Nov 10 2019, 16:04:27
(no subject) (by Tom J.)
I like Jose's suggestion a lot!
If it had the Micros in groups via drop down list and then had a small, automatically updated list of frequently used devices it would be stellar.
LDMicro is an amazing tool maintained by amazing people, thank you again.
Sat Nov 16 2019, 13:59:47
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