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LDmicro Forum - 7segment with single line data

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7segment with single line data (by M.Amjad)
Hi,Please any can tell me, Could i use this followng 7segment with ldmicro in Formatted string over uart.

This board uses 3 x WS2811 IC to control the segments of the segmented display. This means they can be daisy chained and controlled with just a single data line.
Thu Aug 1 2019, 14:43:30
(no subject) (by MGP)
Not possible, use an arduino or other controller.
Thu Aug 1 2019, 15:25:23
(no subject) (by José)

MGP is right, you can't use such displays with ldmicro because it requires fine PWM control, which is not possible with ldmicro.

BUT, you can do the same with chained 7-Segment displays controled by CD4094 shift registers, using SPI to drive the chain.

look at:

Clock= SPI_CLK
Strobe= Vcc

Displays (CD4094) can be chained using QS ouput of one register as Data output for the next one.
One byte sent via SPI corresponds to one display.

I Tested it successfully in the past.

Fri Aug 2 2019, 05:17:04
(no subject) (by José)
QS output of one register is of course Data INPUT (not output) of the next one !
Fri Aug 2 2019, 05:19:09
(no subject) (by M.Amjad)
Very thanks full to jose and MGP for quick replay,i understand
and i try to do work on it,
Once again Thanks.
Fri Aug 2 2019, 11:37:25
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