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LDmicro Forum - General variable name as Timer parameter: using keyboard, Delay text field only accepts characters used for hexadecimal digits

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General variable name as Timer parameter: using keyboard, Delay text field only accepts characters used for hexadecimal digits (by DanielH)
I'm using LDmicro on Arch Linux, running it under Wine without issues.
LDmicro runs very well, no external nor privative .dll are needed :-)

I have encountered some troubles trying to set a general variable name as Timer parameter, using the keyboard.

Since v., Timers can accept any general variable name as parameter for Delay (ms).
From manual.txt: "Variable names can consist of letters, numbers, and underscores '_'."

However, using the keyboard, only 0-9 numbers, lowercase letters a, b, c, d, e, f, o, x, uppercase letters A, B, C, D, E, F, O, X, period "." and dash "-" are entered in Timer's Delay text field (characters that habitually are used to denote hexadecimal digits, plus o and O for octal).

NOTE: Copy-Paste the general name variable, from another text field or external text file, solves this issue (provisionally).

Anyone is suffering this same issue under Windows or another Linux distro?
I have not any kind of Windows OS installed (nor virtualized) in my two PC, so I cann't know if this issue is LDmicro related, or Linux/Wine related.

BTW: I've reported this issue to LDmicro Github issue tracker.
See https://github.com/LDmicro/LDmicro/issues/172

Best regards,
Thu Apr 11 2019, 01:40:57
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
to DanielH
Thank you very much.
The issue is perfectly described and helps to quickly detect the error.
Will fixed in Release
Thu Apr 11 2019, 12:41:37
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