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LDmicro Forum - uart+pwm+acs 712 -5a to +5a

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uart+pwm+acs 712 -5a to +5a (by emerson magno)
Hello, how are you
I'm starting to use microcontrollers with ld micro, but since I'm a beginner, I'm lost, I need your help with my tcc.
I need to send two values by uart and store, and a start command, a sera value in volts and another value in amperes, through the value in amperes I need to adjust the pwm so that it stays in the programmed chain, once I receive the start command I need to send the values of the voltage and currents through the uart, as I intend to use acs712 I will need to send the values -5A to + 5A I do not know how to do this, please help me
Sat Mar 30 2019, 05:39:21
(no subject) (by MGP)
Be reasonable, such a program cannot be made if you do not know the hardware and if you cannot test it.
As a beginner you couldn't even change anything if something were wrong.

So start learning LDmicro step by step, you'll enjoy it a lot later.
Sat Mar 30 2019, 07:46:49
uart + pwm + acs 712 -5a a + 5a (by Calubert)
por emerson magno. empieza a mirar la ayuda que te ofrece LBMicro y lo entenderás una vez tengas echa una escalera con mas o menos lo que necesita tu software pide aguda si te sientes atascado, y alguien del grupo o varios te asesoraran ya que todo los que hemos hecho no pidas software que te hagan ya que te encontraras modificaciones y luego no sabrás por donde empezar. mi consejo es que primero juegues con un software de reles lógicos y luego con LDMICRO y Entenderás tanto como los mas cabecillas de este foro y te alegraras porque luego seras tu el que des aguda a los nuevos en el foro.
Sat Mar 30 2019, 11:09:06
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