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LDmicro Forum - Error: Uknown Name - Pin is not Assigned ( Modbus Contact/Coil)

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Error: Uknown Name - Pin is not Assigned ( Modbus Contact/Coil) (by William Sarfat)
Hello everyone. Can you help me how to name or how to program AVR chip with modbus contact/coil in LdMicro? The LdMicro always error when i try to compile ladder diagram to hex file.

I don't know what error in the address/pinname when i use modbus contact/coil. I never used modbus RTU for the microcontroller or anything else. I don't know about the LdMicro modbus standard procedure for slave ID, register, and pin name.

Some ladder examples is useful for me. Sorry if my grammar bad. Thanks before.
Sun Feb 18 2018, 10:48:43
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
Please attach the LD file.
Modbus Contact/Coil under construction
Tue Feb 20 2018, 08:04:16
(no subject) (by Tom J.)
Bumping an old thread again, because I had this happen to me tonight so I understand what he was talking about.
I used a Multiply and named the Destination MPH and LDMicro turned MPH into a modbus coil, will not use it as a variable, and wants a pin assigned to it.
MPH is at the end of an unfinished ladder but I tried putting a MOVE in the rung following it and it still decided to be a modbus coil instead af a general variable.
Anyone seen this behavior before?
Maybe I just need to write more code and use MPH a couple more times before I try simulating.
Sat Nov 24 2018, 02:35:46
(no subject) (by Tom J.)
I still don't understand it, if I name the variable "MPH" it identifies it as modbus. If I name it "mph" it's a general variable.
Sat Nov 24 2018, 14:40:35
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