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LDmicro Forum - How does this look?

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How does this look? (by Tom J.)
I know it's crude but it appears to work well. Tonight I added a second section and did a bunch of commenting.

Advice/guidance/criticism would be great but take it easy on me, I started writing Ladder like a week ago.

Wed Feb 7 2018, 00:11:26, download attachment SequencerStart6_PICF876A.ld
Pay attention to the (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
Finite-state machine

The finite state machine technique reduces the number of internal relays, isolates one state from another,
and easier when a long ladder diagram
and easier to support in future.
Wed Feb 7 2018, 03:34:50
(no subject) (by Tom J.)
That's something to look at a little later but thank you for the input. I'll have to try to make more sense of that when I've had a bit more experience.
Thu Feb 8 2018, 18:43:56
Automated (by Tom J.)
This revision I added a few rungs with OSRs and automated it so I could view the status indicators in the simulator without having to cycle 6 inputs manually repeatedly.

Description for everything is commented in. Just need to cycle the input on the first rung to get the ball rolling and then you can see the status outputs cycle VERY slowly.
Sat Feb 10 2018, 22:17:49, download attachment SequencerStart6_Autorun_PICF876A.ld
(no subject) (by Tom J.)
I notice when I open the ld file in a text editor that there are variables that say they are not used, they are things I experimented with when I was writing the first draft.

Would I be wise to re-write from scratch to eliminate the clutter or is it okay just to delete these in a text editor?
Sun Feb 11 2018, 00:45:26
Unused CLK pin as I/O? (by Tom J.)
Hi Guys, I'm using a PIC16F866 for a program that's grown in features. It runs flawlessly but I'd like to free up just one more pin.

RA6 (pin 10) & RA7 (pin 9) are CLK pins, but I'm using the internal oscillator. The datasheet says they can be used as General Purpose I/O but LDmicro doesn't give either of them as an option.

Is there a way to force one of those pins as an input? It would be a shame to have to step to a larger MCU to get one more usable pin but I can.

Wed Apr 25 2018, 19:52:37
(no subject) (by Tom J.)
PIC16F886, sorry
Wed Apr 25 2018, 21:58:50
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
to Tom J.
RE3(Input Only), RA7, RA6 will possible in v4.3.8.7
Thu Apr 26 2018, 03:53:57
(no subject) (by Tom J.)
Wow, thank you!
Sat Apr 28 2018, 11:04:57
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