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LDmicro Forum - LDmicro.GitHub news v4.3.1

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LDmicro.GitHub news v4.3.1 (by Ihor Nehrutsa)

== Release 4.3.1

* HotFix: Restored RESET the TON, TOF timers.

* HotFix: After simulate, when simulate another program, UART simulation
terminal shows up again and can't close it unless close the program.

* HotFix: Fault in arithmetic or compare operations.
Mon Oct 16 2017, 16:16:51, download attachment build431.zip
(no subject) (by Alex)
yeah, bugs are fixed, thanks Ihor.

I have a question, why is it that "count up" instruction in 2.3v keeps counting after reaching limit value, in 4.3.1 stops counting after reaching limit value, i mean is there a reason for that?


I have added some links using counter up in plc Allen Bradley and Siemens, guy using Siemens plc says that he has to put a limit cuz of counter up keeps increasing, so i think in 4.3.1v is more confortable. (videos are set the moment plc starts counting)

Allen Bradley:



Mon Oct 16 2017, 23:28:57, download attachment counter 2.3 & 4.3.1.jpg
bug in simulation of 'formatted string over UART' (by bfwolf)
Hello Ihor,

i just downloaded the 4.3.1 build and testet it with the 'hello' example (processor atmega328)...

Only trash is printed in the UART-console-window in simulation-mode...

Regards ;-)
Tue Oct 17 2017, 04:24:25, download attachment hello-m328.ld
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
to Alex

At release 4.2.1 added an additional check for the CTU counter. This prevents the CTU counter from overflowing and prevents its negative value.
The basic algorithm of the CTU counter remains the same.

if 'CTU' < 'MaxValue' // This additional check is added.
increment 'CTU'
Tue Oct 17 2017, 06:20:59, download attachment ctu_23_431.JPG
(no subject) (by Alex)
got it!!, thanks for your reply Ihor
Tue Oct 17 2017, 09:30:52
(no subject) (by Alex)
I do not want to sound annoying but what about the time accurate beetween 4.3.1 and 4.2.3 using Tcy timer 1 Second?

4.2.2 changes :

* Reengineering: PLC cycle timer more accurate and more longer.

test beetween 4.3.1 and 4.2.3

Tue Oct 17 2017, 14:55:35
(no subject) (by Alex)
Tue Oct 17 2017, 21:43:41, download attachment toff test.rar
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
to Alex

Please attach Proteus progect.
Wed Oct 18 2017, 03:16:40
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
to Alex

Please read CHANGES.txt
In Release 3.5.3
* Fixed: Attention! TON, TOF, RTO timers in LDmicro v2.3 are shorter than those specified in the LD file. They shorter at one PLC cycle time.
Now TON, TOF, RTO produce delays as specified in LD file.

I modified your LD file. You can open it in release 2.3 and also in release 4.3.1.
Try to simulate it manually (select Simulation Mode and then press Space - Single Cicle several times repeatedly).
As you can see, release 2.3 generates a 10ms timers delay,
release 4.3.1 generates a 20ms timers delay, as specified in LD.

Also in release 3.5.3 and larger, if you use TOF, TON timers to generate cyclic periodical signals with self restarting by reset or set, you should decriase timer period at one PLC cycle period. For example 1s period needs
TOF(1s-10ms)=TOF(990ms). Release 2.3 does this without your knowledge.

Also in Release 3.5.3
* Added: Specially for generating cyclic signals with a predetermined period and frequency added Cyclic Timer TCY.
Wed Oct 18 2017, 07:26:24, download attachment TOF.ld
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
to Alex
Wed Oct 18 2017, 07:31:15, download attachment TON_TOF_RTO.ZIP
(no subject) (by Alex)
iŽll check, thanks for your reply
Wed Oct 18 2017, 09:21:40, download attachment TEST TOF proteus.rar
(no subject) (by Alex)
i would like to test in collegeŽs oscilloscope, iŽm not good enogh at this but as i understood, as you said, For example 1s period needs TOF(1s-10ms)=TOF(990ms). Release 2.3 does this without your knowledge, ok.

tested in proteus with TOF: 10 ms (not avaliable at 2.3v), 20 ms , 1s, 10s, 20s, 30s got this:

TOF: | 10ms | 20ms | 1s | 10s| 20s | 30s
4.3.2v | 20ms | 30.004ms| 1.001s|10.01s|20.010001s|30.010001s
2.3v | X | 20.001ms| 1s | 10s | 20s | 30s
Finally i get a conclusion, i think if i want an accurate time i only have to set timer tof less 10ms,on the other hand what is +10ms in your timer, it is minimum, i can handle it.
Thu Oct 19 2017, 22:15:41
(no subject) (by Alex)
sorry, it is messy
Thu Oct 19 2017, 22:17:36, download attachment tof test 2.jpg
(no subject) (by Alex)
thanks for your work Ihor
Thu Oct 19 2017, 22:24:00
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
to Alex

There is some explanation with TON, TOF in v2.3 and v3.5.3 and later at page
Please find question
(by MGP) at Wed Jul 27 2016, 10:01:08
Fri Oct 20 2017, 08:35:21
(no subject) (by Alex)
thanks alot for the explanation Ihor, this is what i needed to read and see, proteus images explained very well gave me 100% peace :) even more with conclusion with PRO and CONTRA :)
Fri Oct 20 2017, 22:56:39
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