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LDmicro Forum - Copy_past simulation error.

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Copy_past simulation error. (by MGP)
Hello Ihor

For the first time I used the Copy Past function and there is an odd behavior in the simulator.

I have copied 1 rung 3 times and when I clicked on/off Xpuls1 then all the rungs are working .
Can you look at his, Thanks
Mon May 22 2017, 09:18:10, download attachment Copy-past-test.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
Hey Ihor

I found another strange behavior in the editor.

When you move up a 'insert comment' instruction then you can't select that rung anymore.

In my example you can't select rung 1 anymore.
Tue May 23 2017, 06:41:56, download attachment Rung-UP.ld
(no subject) (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
Will fixed in v4.2.2
Tue May 23 2017, 09:50:25
Change the simulator window to another monitor. (by Fernando Fonseca)

Is it possible to change the simulator window to another monitor?
So I have the ladder on one monitor, and the other, the PIC pin configurations.

Thank you.
Wed May 24 2017, 06:27:13, download attachment LDMICRO_window.png
(no subject) (by André Luiz Brazil)
Interesting to separate to send to another monitor.
Wed May 24 2017, 08:57:15
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