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LDmicro Forum - LDmicro.GitHub news v4.1.6

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LDmicro.GitHub news v4.1.6 (by Ihor Nehrutsa)
== Release 4.1.6

* New: 'PIC Configuration Bits:' textbox added in 'PLC Configurations' dialog.
See PIC Configuration Bits wiki

This allow to select internal oscillator, use oscillator pins as I/O pins,
configure _MCLR pin as digital I/O,
enable watchdog timer WDT,
select code protection, data protection, etc.

Variable name that begins with symbol '#' like #0x8E, #0x8F,
allow users to dynamically toggle the oscillator speed,
determine the cause of the processor reset, etc.
Fri Feb 17 2017, 05:21:24, download attachment build416.zip
(no subject) (by Alex)
ermm , there is something i have always wanted to report, in 2.3v i can delete all rungs i want, but there have to be always at least one rung that canīt be deleted (image attach), in 4.1.Xv i can delete all rungs ( 0 rungs), and when i want to add one rung i canīt do it, i have to press CTRL+Z.
Wed Feb 22 2017, 22:45:33, download attachment at_least_one_rung.jpg
(no subject) (by Alex)
all rungs deleted in 4.1.xv, canīt add, have to press CTRL+Z
Wed Feb 22 2017, 22:47:12, download attachment all_rungs_deleted.jpg
Falha gravando o pic 16F877 / 887 / 886 (by Marcelo Lopes Cordeiro)
Good Morning
Dear Sirs, I have been using ldmicro for some time in my project successfully but for some days now something strange has been happening when I set up the program it works perfect, but when I turn it into .hex to record in one of these processors described above the pins do not obey the functions, timings etc.
Please could someone help me to clear up this strange crash.
Thank you very much, because for over a year I have this tool as essential and very important for my projects, I would like always active screen in my library.


Marcelo Lopes Cordeiro
Sun Aug 25 2019, 08:11:32, download attachment teste.ld
(no subject) (by Marcelo Lopes Cordeiro)
Good Morning
Dear Sirs, I have been using ldmicro for some time in my project successfully but for some days now something strange has been happening when I set up the program it works perfect, but when I turn it into .hex to record in one of these processors described above the pins do not obey the functions, timings etc.
Please could someone help me to clear up this strange crash.
Thank you very much, because for over a year I have this tool as essential and very important for my projects, I would like always active screen in my library.
Marcelo Lopes Cordeiro
São Paulo Brazil
Sun Aug 25 2019, 08:14:06
(no subject) (by MGP)
For the best results, the timers must be a multiple of the cycle time, in this case 10ms or 20mS or 25ms.

You have entered a cycletime of 31.100mS ???
Sun Aug 25 2019, 09:00:28, download attachment Snap17.jpg
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