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LDmicro Forum - ''Tank you'' from Romania

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''Tank you'' from Romania (by simon)
Hi , my name is Simon from Romania .
I use Ldmicro from 2008 , and i tested pic16f628 , pic16f819 , atmega8 , atmega8L , atmega16 , atmega16L , atmega32 , atmega32L , and all atmega8/16/32 with bootloader and all work ok .
Next will folow atmega128 .
Can you made an update for atmega644 ? Datasheet is 100% compatibile with atmega16/32 .
Tank you .I admire your work .
Fri Dec 4 2009, 12:58:38
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
Thanks for the success report, and let me know if you do find any problems.

I will add newer processors as time permits. It's possible for other people to do this as well, of course, since the source code is public.
Sat Dec 5 2009, 18:00:31
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