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LDmicro Forum - ladder.h help 2

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ladder.h help 2 (by Alex)
this is my first program a turning on/off led compiled with ccs.

i tried to make everything from the ldmicro commends.
Wed Aug 17 2016, 10:07:37, download attachment led.zip
(no subject) (by Alex)
In this second program i did the same and added a led blinking for 1 second on and for 1 second off, my problem is this:

inline BOOL Read_U_b_Yled(void)
//return input_state() ;<-- how can i return internal in?

inline void Write_U_b_Yled(BOOL v)
output_bit(PIN_B1, v);

inline extern BOOL Read_U_b_Xswitch(void)
return input_state(PIN_A0);

inline BOOL Read_U_b_Yled2(void)
return input_state(PIN_A0);

inline void Write_U_b_Yled2(BOOL v)
output_bit(PIN_B0, v);
Wed Aug 17 2016, 10:14:12, download attachment multitask.zip
(no subject) (by Alex)
in the second program in *.h file i have to add inputs and outputs, but the blinking led works with internal input and timer, how can i do? please help and sorry for my English.
Wed Aug 17 2016, 10:15:50
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