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UART SEND AND RECEIVE (by jqleandro)
Hi guys!
I trying to do a simple task, use arduino and ldmicro to send(master), one byte trough serial port to another arduino(slave), and when (slave)it receive he do the work, but i trie many time and simple cant, RX, and TX dosnt even blink one time, i just use uart send and receive, i need to use another instruction?
Please some body give me a light because i need to use it trought xbee, and cant use it even whith wires(between 2 arduinos).
Wed Jan 27 2016, 06:32:59
(no subject) (by jqleandro)
Just for count, work perfect in simulator, but physical, dont, even a blink whith tx rx pins on arduino
Wed Jan 27 2016, 06:40:19
(no subject) (by jqleandro)
Just for count, work perfect in simulator, but physical, dont, even a blink whith tx rx pins on arduino
Wed Jan 27 2016, 06:40:39
(no subject) (by jqleandro)
I do some test and now i see the TX pin go On but dont the RX, and another big question, this just happen when the arduinos are conected whith USB on Pc when i break this conection the TX pin go off. Now i am more confuse than before.
Wed Jan 27 2016, 07:09:47
(no subject) (by jqleandro)
Well nobody help me in that, but i find the light, the comunication work perfectly.

Just need to use uart send/receive instruction and remember it read and right in ASCII.
So if you need decimal "0" it was "48" in ASCII.
In Serial monitor you will send 0 but in read it will be 48.

Case Closed
Fri Feb 5 2016, 07:26:21
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