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LDmicro Forum - Analog reference setting on ATmega8

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Analog reference setting on ATmega8 (by Ziggy)
My understanding is the analog reference setting on ATmega8 by default is set to internal VACC.

LDmicro does not change this setting at all and there is no way within LDmicro to affect this setting.

Will reprogramming ANALOGREF bits for either external ref or onboard 2.56V ref be affected by programing the chip with LDmicro generated hex file?

Please comment on my understanding and respond to the question.
Thu Sep 10 2015, 19:50:38
(no subject) (by Ziggy)

Brand new chips have their reference and channel selection bits set to 0.

when bits 6 and 7 are set to 0 the analog reference is connected to external reference pin and analogue channel 0 is selected.

I had an external analog reference connected to the ref pin and could not measure expected voltage on the pin.

Changing the micro chip .. and voila.. reference voltage value as expected.
Thu Sep 10 2015, 23:41:32
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