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LDmicro Forum - using LDmicro to create program to Velleman VM12

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using LDmicro to create program to Velleman VM12 (by Anders Nordqvist)
Velleman VM142: Mini PIC PLC is a PIC-based PLC. It have a 16F630 pic onbord, but no really god programming environment. But LDmicro may do the job...

But LDmicro do not support 16F630, or??
Do you know if there are any PIC that LDmiroc support and that is pin-compatible with 16F30?

Velleman VM142
Sun Nov 8 2009, 06:00:08
(no subject) (by Benny Nyberg)
I will use Ldmicro to generate program for Velleman vm142
It is a cheap Miniplc that is ready to use
Sun Apr 22 2012, 13:34:35
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