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LDmicro Forum - Persist?

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Persist? (by Jack)
Hi Guys,
Does anyone have an example of how the 'Persist' function works? I have a move statement that have a variable name '_f1' which has options of 0, 1, 2 or 3. I have then made '_f1' persist with this command. The variable '_f1' works fine in the selected options until I power down unit. The variable goes back to the default 0 and not the programmed option. If I can see an example of someone who has it working hopefully I can see what I am doing wrong.

Mon Jun 10 2013, 09:12:07
(no subject) (by chris)
The persist command should be used at after the variable is used, not before. If this is not the issue, tell me the used
Mon Jun 10 2013, 10:29:43
(no subject) (by MGP)
Try this i think it's an example from JW.
Mon Jun 10 2013, 14:47:24, download attachment persist.ld
Persist (by Jack)
Thank You for your assistance. I worked out what I was doing wrong and it all works fine now. What I was doing was making the Persist function interlocked by some logic. What this failed to allow to happen is read the Persist on power up. Take out the interlock so the Persist command was valid on power up and it works as expected.

Thanks again.
Mon Jun 17 2013, 07:14:27
Persist (by William)
Thank you so much for your attachment :D
Wed May 17 2017, 11:30:03
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