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LDmicro Forum - New micro Mega 328p and Mega2560 ?

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New micro Mega 328p and Mega2560 ? (by Mladen)

How complicated is adding this two new micros?
Can we help somehow?
Wed May 29 2013, 15:37:33
(no subject) (by Ziggy)
This question has been bugging me as well.

I am happy to participate in the process.

Wed May 29 2013, 17:13:15
reply (by Gerard)

You need to re-compile the ldmicro, the cpu are are define in the mcutable.h.
You need to install the virtual c++ express 2010 compiler, also install the pear, i use the ActivePerl-
After copy the source file, and you need to modify the make file ( no compatible with 2010 express).
Then modify the source and compile it by the make in a dos virtual c++ compiler.

Sat Jun 15 2013, 01:33:59
make file (by Gerard)
CFLAGS = /W3 /nologo -I..\common\win32 /O2 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_DEBUG /Zi

HEADERS = ..\common\win32\freeze.h ldmicro.h mcutable.h intcode.h

OBJDIR = obj

FREEZE = $(OBJDIR)\freeze.obj

LDOBJS = $(OBJDIR)\ldmicro.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\maincontrols.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\helpdialog.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\schematic.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\draw.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\draw_outputdev.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\circuit.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\undoredo.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\loadsave.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\simulate.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\commentdialog.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\contactsdialog.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\coildialog.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\simpledialog.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\resetdialog.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\lutdialog.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\confdialog.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\iolist.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\miscutil.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\lang.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\intcode.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\compilecommon.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\ansic.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\interpreted.obj \
$(OBJDIR)\pic16.obj \

HELPOBJ = $(OBJDIR)\helptext.obj

LIBS = user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib

# CP = cp
# MV = mv
# RM = rm
# RMRF = rm -rf
# TOUCH = touch
CP = copy
MV = move
RM = del
RMRF = rmdir /s /q
TOUCH = echo. 2>

all: $(OBJDIR)/ldmicro.exe $(OBJDIR)/ldinterpret.exe
@$(CP) $(OBJDIR)/ldmicro.exe .
@$(CP) $(OBJDIR)/ldinterpret.exe .

test: all
@cd reg
@cd ..

$(RMRF) obj
mkdir obj
$(TOUCH) obj/dummy
del *.obj

distclean: clean
$(RM) *.pdb *.obj *.exe *.ilk *.res lang-tables.h helptext.cpp
cd reg
$(RMRF) results

lang.cpp: $(OBJDIR)/lang-tables.h

$(OBJDIR)/lang-tables.h: lang*.txt
perl lang-tables.pl > $(OBJDIR)/lang-tables.h

$(OBJDIR)/ldinterpret.exe: ldinterpret.c
@$(CC) -Fe$(OBJDIR)/ldinterpret.exe $(LIBS) ldinterpret.c

$(OBJDIR)/ldmicro.exe: $(LDOBJS) $(FREEZE) $(HELPOBJ) $(OBJDIR)/ldmicro.res
@$(CC) $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) -Fe$(OBJDIR)/ldmicro.exe $(LDOBJS) $(FREEZE) $(HELPOBJ) $(OBJDIR)/ldmicro.res $(LIBS)

$(OBJDIR)/ldmicro.res: ldmicro.rc ldmicro.ico
@rc ldmicro.rc
@$(MV) ldmicro.res $(OBJDIR)

$(LDOBJS): $(@B).cpp $(HEADERS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c -Fo$(OBJDIR)/$(@B).obj $(@B).cpp

$(FREEZE): ..\common\win32\$(@B).cpp $(HEADERS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c -Fo$(OBJDIR)/$(@B).obj ..\common\win32\$(@B).cpp

$(HELPOBJ): $(OBJDIR)/helptext.cpp
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -c -Fo$(OBJDIR)/helptext.obj $(OBJDIR)/helptext.cpp

$(OBJDIR)/helptext.cpp: manual.txt manual-*.txt
perl txt2c.pl > $(OBJDIR)/helptext.cpp
Sat Jun 15 2013, 01:37:10
reply (by Travis)
Has anyone had any luck with this?
Wed Jul 31 2013, 10:15:17
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