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LDmicro Forum - How to get the sample interpreter

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How to get the sample interpreter (by Rabiul)
I am interested to get the sample interpreter which is mentioned on main page. Please let me know how to get the interpreter and the source.

Thank you.
Tue Feb 12 2013, 17:15:51
(no subject) (by Ziggy)
There are a number of PLC manufacturers who will provide You with their programming software.

As for source code... no... it is after all a commercial product and as such a valuable asset.

There is a thing called Beremiz out there which may be of interest to You.
Wed Feb 13 2013, 17:00:35
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
I believe that he's referring to the sample interpreter for LDmicro's interpretable byte code, which is available (freely, under the GPL, like the rest of the software) as ldinterpret.c in the same .zip files as the rest of the source.
Thu Feb 14 2013, 01:07:14
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