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LDmicro Forum - A/D converter on ATmega8

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A/D converter on ATmega8 (by Ziggy)
Given that the ATmega chips have a number of A->D converter inputs does LDmicro have the capability to use all of these inputs at the same time ( that is defined as A->D inputs in the one ladder diagram?

If only one pin can be used as A->D input is there a preference for the pin?

Your experience is appreciated.
Thu Dec 27 2012, 18:50:30
(no subject) (by Magno Medeiros (Brasil))
Hello, I've used this function (PWM) in PIC and the software does the choice of pin automatically, so I think for AVR is the same way.
Fri Dec 28 2012, 05:29:40
A/D (by Magno Medeiros (Brasil))
I'm sorry, I was wrong as the function on A/D I have no experience, I still have not used.
Fri Dec 28 2012, 05:54:24
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