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LDmicro Forum - UART

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Dear Sir,

I am facing some problem in uart please solve. I wanted to send a 12 bit hex number which is a command to control a device example 4095 in decimal = 0x0fff. I used mov instruction to store 4095 which pointed the uart.
When i simulate i get only 8 bit variable 0xff instead of 0x0fff. How can i achieve this suing single memory resister.

Thank You
Fri Dec 7 2012, 01:56:57
Hi ,

Can any one tell Which file converts and sends data via "uart send" in the list of compilation files...

Thanks and Regards
Wed Dec 12 2012, 06:41:24
(no subject) (by MGP)
Look here, maybe this can solve your problem.

Thu Dec 13 2012, 05:06:57
Uart (by NASR)
Thanks MGP for your reply. But this link did not solved my problem. I need uart send to transmit 16 bit number where as it is transmitting 8 bit only.....
Sat Dec 22 2012, 07:08:32
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