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LDmicro Forum - Increase the memory

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Increase the memory (by Amjad)
Please,tell me how can i increase the memory of 16f877, while its giving the message that(Internal error relating to PIC paging;make program smaller or reshuffle it) after compiling.
And i want more work inside.

Thank you
Sat Sep 8 2012, 14:59:00
(no subject) (by Chris)
Try to use the VM interpreter instead of the compiled code.
The interpreter allows for larger memory.

Can you post the .int file and a schematic of the HW
in order to customize the interpreter code.
Sun Sep 9 2012, 10:06:08
(no subject) (by Chris)
I badly supposed it was a ram paging error, but itīs a
flash paging error. This is a build that includes error

$ = current program pointer
label = label id
addr = address of forward declaration
rung = rung number.

Arranging rung in different order can avoid the error.
In the case no debug info are given for the error, then
probably the code goes out of code space.

I hope this help, otherwise i need working example code
in order to resolve this problem.
Sun Sep 9 2012, 22:38:49, download attachment ld_micro.zip
Increase the memory (by Amjad)
Thanks for quick replay
i am working with serial LCD and made preset counter, i give 5 inputs and 5 outputs with save all values when power off,it is working fine with simulator and after compiling.but if i increase the rung for more give input output it given the error during compiling (Internal error relating to PIC paging;make program smaller or reshuffle it).
Please give me advice

Thank you.
Wed Sep 12 2012, 07:46:59, download attachment lcd counter4.ld
(no subject) (by Chris)
The example should be made different, but itīs actually donīt matter.
The char '-' are not allowed to be used as identifier, use
'_' instead. Several commands donīt allow a '-' so if using
it one is automatically limited to a smaller subset of commands.
Further you simulate counters with add clear counter with
move commands. There are general purpose counters that do
the same job consuming less flash memory including command
for reset the counters.

I donīt suggest to change this for this project, but keep it
in mind for future ones.

Writing one thing different resolves the problem.
I donīt have tested or simulated it, if there are errors,
just ask if you donīt understand the code.
Wed Sep 12 2012, 09:00:48, download attachment lcdcounter4.ld
(no subject) (by Chris)
typo error
Wed Sep 12 2012, 09:15:48, download attachment lcdcounter4.ld
Increase the memory (by Amjad)
Thanks for quick replay,
i am very glad to you that you solve my problem,i increase the more inputs outputs,but its worked after remove the instruction,insert parallel to series.But you done fine works.

Thank you
Thu Sep 13 2012, 01:07:18
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