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LDmicro Forum - New developments

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New developments (by Sven Schlender)

I have added one important feature to the code at least for me and my interpreter issues:

- Added the possibility to enter a string connected to common integer variable
- Added a $$string section in interpreter file format, referencable by numeric address (like ints and bits)
- Added a special interpreter opcode which only copies the string into the variable

My interpreter on Netzer will parse the string at runtime and can put the resulting string on all my virtual variables (typically any FiFo-Tops).

Jonathan, I would like to share this features, maybe there will be more in the future (i.e. generating code directly for Netzer).

What is your prefered patch and release policy?

Best regards,

Thu May 31 2012, 03:18:46
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
Sorry for the delayed response; I'm afraid that I've had very little time to work on LDmicro recently. My best suggestion would be for you to post an executable and the patch on this forum. That would at least allow people to use the software and look at the changes, and at some point I'll look at integrating everything back to the main development branch.
Tue Jun 5 2012, 00:04:18
Internal Clockwize (by Alberto)
Help, As I can activate the internal clock for Pic 16F628 to 4MHz, with ldmicro????
Sat Jun 16 2012, 00:24:23
Branch (by Sven Schlender)
Also somewhat delayed...
For new developments it would be much easier, if you would put the trunk code to one of the open source hosting pages like sourceforge or github. I could do this if your time is too short!
Sun Nov 4 2012, 04:31:13
Here is the patch (by Sven Schlender)
Hi Jonathan and all others,

the most of the work is done. See attached my patch. Not all the Netzer features are documented yet in the ldmicro manual. Instead I have started a wiki page (see http://www.mobacon.de/wiki/doku.php/en/netzer/process) where I explain in detail some issues.

Thu Nov 8 2012, 07:37:38, download attachment netzer.patch
Published @ github (by Sven)

the whole development bunch is now moved to github: github.com/mobacon/ldmicro

I have also added CMake support for the project. As a side effect it is also possible to compile the project on Linux systems.

Best regards,

Fri Feb 21 2014, 10:24:44
Repost clickable link (by Sven)
Fri Feb 21 2014, 13:58:41
help me for adding atmega 328p (by ritesh )
hello Sven Schlender

I am working on project in which i want to use ladder logic but my system is based on atmega328p. could you please help how to add library for this micro-controller(Atmega328p).
Sat Feb 22 2014, 01:10:44
New MCU to LDmicro (by Dzairo)
Hi ritesh.
I'm not expert to LDmicro and not compile source code right now .. but ATmega8 and ATmega328p are similar .
Problem is not memory size, this is really easy to change in source code .. problem is UART, timer etc .. ATmega8 have different register position like ATmega88 , 168 , 328 .
Go to web find AVR094 and read it .. If want add new chip to LDMicro then must make totally new chip with code generator. Yes it is possible ..
On first I Must learn to compile LDmicro my self ..and then I can add new Chip to LDmicro.

PS: will be good to translate complete source code from C to Delphi 7 . I not native use C under Windows.

Best regards
Sat Feb 22 2014, 06:12:01
(no subject) (by David R)
HI Dzairo
I am set up to compile Ldmicro do you want to make the changes to the C++ and I will compile it.

I can program c++ but i am not vary good,
if you can help with what is needed to be changed then i can add the new chip and test it.

I am interested in making a video on how to add targets.
Kind Regards
Sat Feb 22 2014, 15:38:14
new chip.. (by Dzairo)
Hi David.
Ehm .. there is possible make changes in LDmicro supporting ATMega48,88,168,328 and all chip what use same IO register in SFR . Look .. atmega8,16,32 have SFR in same place then it's easy to make support for all MCU that have SFR in same place..
Now is possible to make changes in OP code and defined right position for ATMega48,88,168,328 and all MCU that have SFR in same place.
I'm not expert to LDmicro .. but I thinks that use only some timer, UART, ADC, PWM .. no other hardware.. then it's possible .. but I'm not working with C++ then hard for me .. On first must few days read code and understand how it working..
Sun Feb 23 2014, 15:57:50
new chip (by Dzairo)
hi .. I look to code .. avr.cpp
there is possible to make changes .. I thinks no problem add new chip.. hm... now I don't have free time .. hm...

but in avr.cpp function : CompileAvr
you can see: there is testing if chip is atmega8,16,32,162 have same register position , atmega64,128 different .. code is same only register position is different .. now need check if code to set and control TImer1,pwm, adc, UART for atmega8 is same like for atmega88 .. if yes then only need add to this function another chip with right register position ..

but this is only my opinion..
Sun Feb 23 2014, 16:26:46
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