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LDmicro Forum - Operation Rname, Cname, Tname, name these variables is a power failure to save ? That is, when the system is powered down ,

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Operation Rname, Cname, Tname, name these variables is a power failure to save ? That is, when the system is powered down , (by jili wang)
Operation Rname, Cname, Tname, name these variables is a power failure to save ? That is, when the system is powered down,

the current value of whether it can be saved . Especially Cname and name variable
Mon Feb 6 2012, 05:16:24
Mon Feb 6 2012, 07:45:12
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
Look at the "Make Persistent" op, which causes a variable to get automatically saved to EEPROM every time that it changes (and loaded from EEPROM at startup). This will cause that variable to persist across power-on reset.
Wed Feb 8 2012, 00:20:30
the program works correctly after compilation. (by Женя)
why, after compiling the timer work vice versa? delay timer operates as OFF delay. Atmega8 microcontroller. Please reply to the post office [email protected] . Thanks in advance.
Thu Feb 23 2012, 03:31:07
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
Are your inputs and outputs active-low? That may happen, for example, if a switch input is wired to ground with a pull-up resistor, or an LED is wired from Vdd to the pin. In that case, turn-on and turn-off will of course be interchanged.

To avoid that, make the electrical input signals active-high, or invert them in software, by marking their contacts and coils as negated.
Sun Feb 26 2012, 18:57:40
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