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LDmicro Forum - RGB led

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RGB led (by Sergiy)
Help figure out how to run the PWM RGB LED smooth adjustment give an example
Wed Dec 21 2011, 15:41:48
RGB LED (by Prabhakar deshpande)
Is there any sample programme for RGB LED driver ?
Fri Apr 14 2023, 04:36:15
(no subject) (by Paulino (Calubert))
Here it is. I am attaching how it can be done (it is one way to do it but there are many more). Before you look at the linz to understand it better and then you will decipher the attachment.

Aqui lo tienes. te adjunto como se puede hacer (es una manera de hacerlo pero hay muchas mas). antes mirate el linz para entenderlo mejor y luego descifraras el adjunto.

Fri Apr 14 2023, 05:15:00, download attachment Prueva Kilo hercios.ld
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