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LDmicro Forum - Arduino 1280 x Atmega128

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Arduino 1280 x Atmega128 (by Magno)
Hello I'm in Brazil, if possible would appreciate your help. I need to know if I can use the Arduino ldmicro in 1280. now thanks for any help. If necessary I can post pictures of the pcb.
Mon Oct 17 2011, 16:23:27
(no subject) (by Ronaldo)
faça um programa em C para o atmega128, piscar um led, e ler uma chave, usando o mesmo port do atmega128, carregar o arquivo hex no teu arduino 1280 e veja se funciona bem.

make a C program for the ATMEGA128, a flashing LED, and read a key, using the same port the ATMEGA128, load the hex file in your arduino 1280 and see if it works well.
Thu Oct 20 2011, 08:09:54
atmega128 x atmega1280 (by Magno)
Ronaldo, thank you for answering but I'm still trying to discover if I can program the Atmega 1280 before purchasing it. I just know it is working in Ladder language most often used in PLCs. as shown in ATmega 128 ldmicro only need to know if you can use the ATmega 1280.

Ronaldo, muito obrigado pela resposta mas eu ainda estou tentando descubrir se consigo programar no atmega 1280 antes de compra-lo. Só sei trabalhar em ladder pois é a linguagem mais usual em CLP´S. como no ldmicro só consta ATmega 128 preciso saber se é possível usar o ATmega 1280.
Thu Oct 20 2011, 19:23:55
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