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LDmicro Forum - eeprom decoder program (can someone do this?)

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eeprom decoder program (can someone do this?) (by David R)
Hi all,

I don't expect you to have time Jonathan, but maybe some one else in the forum that can.

A program that you load the (.ld file) , (.hex eeprom file)
and it displays the values with the variable names and allows the user to change the values and resave the (.hex eeprom).
Fri Jan 14 2011, 14:45:51
(no subject) (by olivier)
i dont think the variable name are stored into hex file, they are just comments into the ld files
Fri Jan 14 2011, 19:00:58
(no subject) (by David R)
That is correct I think, But the eeprom uses sets of 4 hex characters so there will be some order that LDmicro assigns
the memory space for each "make persistent" like the first one in the ladder gets the first 4 spaces and the next one in code gets the next 4 spaces etc.
So then all that needs to happen is read the first 4 spaces,convert the value to decemial and assighn it the varaible name of the first "make persistent" in LDmicro and so on.
Fri Jan 14 2011, 21:27:24
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
The easiest way to do that might be to write a program that modifies the .ld file (whose file format is obvious), and then compile from the command line, with the syntax

ldmicro /c input-file.ld output-file.hex

Or you could just put comments at the top of the .ld file with MOV statements to set up the variables, and let the user make the changes and recompile. A bit more complex, but maybe not too bad.
Fri Jan 14 2011, 22:51:36
(no subject) (by David R)
The main idea is to download the eeprom hex from the chip and view it in an easy tidy way with the variable attached.
Sat Jan 15 2011, 00:03:21
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