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LDmicro Forum - RPM Meter

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RPM Meter (by Bozidar)
I would like to build RPM meter from 1-999 per minute.
I will use 3 digit LED display.
I need help with programming time base.
Mon Nov 22 2010, 10:38:39
(no subject) (by Max)
Browse the forum... (search function is your friend) you will find your answer
Sun Nov 28 2010, 12:31:47
(no subject) (by Ziggy)

think of 1- 999 RPM as 0.01667 - 16.67 revolutions per second.

What kind of a transducer will You use?

Will it be an analog tacho generator or some "digital" pulse transducer?

If Pulse transducer how many pulses per revolution and therefore pulses per revolution per second will it produce?
If analog how many volts per revolution per second will it produce?

I hope this gives You a clue as to how to approach the initial problem.

If analog use the AtoD converter if digital use some kind of timing scheme... either between pulses or over a number of pulses for increased resolution.
Wed Dec 12 2018, 03:43:12
(no subject) (by MGP)
Ziggy, it's a post of 2010, the lattest answer is spam.
Wed Dec 12 2018, 05:26:27
(no subject) (by Ziggy)
Wed Dec 12 2018, 06:16:22
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