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LDmicro Forum - WDT for LDmicro

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WDT for LDmicro (by huynhhai)
Hi everybody,

I really like this LDmicro program, but i don't know how to reset microcontroller when it has been hang, no intruction in the LDmicro to reset it by Watch Dog

Can you help me to reset it by using sorfware of LDmicro?

Tue Sep 28 2010, 04:45:01
(no subject) (by David R)
why is is your microcontroller Hanging? there must be A major problem with your circuit design/layout.
All that aside you could pulse an out put pin high/low linked to A second microcontroller which could pull the reset pin of the other, this way the microcontrollers can watch each other.

Fri Oct 8 2010, 01:36:28
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
The microcontroller shouldn't be resetting in any case, unless there's something electrically wrong. But I would note that LDmicro resets the watchdog timer every cycle time, for both the PIC16 and AVR targets.

So you may be able to just enable the watchdog timer on your part, using the appropriate bit in the configuration word (i.e., "fuse"); see the datasheet for your part, and the manual for your programming software.
Sun Oct 10 2010, 18:58:40
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