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LDmicro Forum - Meanings of contacts

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Meanings of contacts (by Charles Torach)
Dear members thanks alot for sharing. I just want to know when do we apply a negated contacts, normal contacts.where can I as well apply coil negated, reset only. I have read from my help menu from my programe but still I do not get the meaning. please help am a beginner who would wish to learn. Gd nite
Sat Jul 31 2010, 13:50:23
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
A negated coil or set of contacts behaves exactly the same as if you put an inverter at that pin of the microcontroller. So for a coil, for example, normally the pin is high when the associated bit variable is 1. If the coil is negated, then the pin is high when the associated bit variable is 0.

A set- or reset-only coil behaves like its name: it can only make the coil's associated bit variable 1 (set) or 0 (reset). So those are always used in pairs, with at least one set-only and at least one reset-only coil with the same name.

If you still have trouble, then experiment in the simulator, or post an example that you don't understand.
Sun Aug 1 2010, 22:26:36
School to go. (by charles Torach)
Thanks so much for the quick response. However I would like to go to a school which teaches this technology only. This is because here in uganda we sincerely miss that lesson. Otherwise a person like me would learn faster when any of you can sent me some already written programs so that I can simulate and get to know this contacts how they operate.I will be greatful if am helped.nice time and God blessings.
Thu Aug 12 2010, 13:04:44
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