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LDmicro Forum - 7 segment example.

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7 segment example. (by latetech)
i am trying to make 3-digits 7-segments LED display, DC voltmeter using LDmicro 7-segment font converter instruction. but unfortunately with no success. can anyone help me with this??
Tue Jul 9 2024, 19:40:37
(no subject) (by Calubert)
Esto esta echo para pantallas por tx-rx
Mon Jul 15 2024, 06:39:27, download attachment LD Fuente 220vAc_Dc.ld
(no subject) (by Latetech)
dear Calubert,
thanks for your help. but will you please some more details in English which can help me to understand the program better.
Mon Jul 15 2024, 07:27:07
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