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LDmicro Forum - Interfacing with pickit3

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Interfacing with pickit3 (by Andrea)
Hi every one,
I made a test project with LDmicro, then I converted IT into an .hex file.
I bought a PicKit3 programmer (not original) and the socket board to connect it to the microcontroller (16f877a).
I installed MPLAB IPE v6.15 and v1.70.
I connected the picmicro as explained in this video:

With both versions of MPLAB IPE, It looks like it doesn't work, all three leds keep on; with v1.70 I can not enter in the POWER section. On both MPLAB versions, in the OPERATE section, I can set the pic, but not the tool.

But yesterday, by reading the Pickit3 manual (https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/51795B.pdf),
I realized that an external source (I think 5Volt) is probably required: the positive must be connected to both Vdd pins and the negative to both Vss pins of the picmicro....Am I right?
I am a bit confused...
Sun Jan 21 2024, 08:40:37, download attachment Nuova immagine bitmap (13).jpg
(no subject) (by MGP)
I can't help you with MPLAB, I always use the standalone program.


With an dip adapter you do not need an external 5V, the Pickit3 can supply 30mA and that is more than enough to program a Pic.
Sun Jan 21 2024, 10:32:31
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