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LDmicro Forum - Set 4MHZ or 8MHZ internal oscilator for 16f88

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Set 4MHZ or 8MHZ internal oscilator for 16f88 (by Alex)
I have tried some examples given by ldmicro users but fail, ¿Could someone give me an example to set internal oscilator for 4MHZ or 8MHZ?
Thu Dec 14 2023, 09:53:07
(no subject) (by MGP)
For 8MHz.
Thu Dec 14 2023, 11:18:32, download attachment 16F88_8Mhz_INTOSC.ld
(no subject) (by Alex)
thanks for the program MGP, It works on Proteus, i am trying to make it work on my protoboard but it doesn´t work i can´t stand , i have connected MCLR to positive but failed
Sat Dec 16 2023, 20:46:23
(no subject) (by MGP)
The pic is bad or you are doing something wrong.
Just tested and I get a nice kHz square wave on the scope.
Sun Dec 17 2023, 07:36:33
(no subject) (by Alex)
i connected 5vdc to Vdd, ground to Vss, 5vdc to mclr with and without 10k resistor, maybe pic is bad
Sun Dec 17 2023, 10:36:36
(no subject) (by André Luiz Albrich (Brazil))
How do I configure the fusesbit mo ldmicro? I want to configure a pic16f628a for an internal 4mhz oscillator, disabling the other configurations.
Google translator.
Sat Jul 6 2024, 15:29:51
(no subject) (by MGP)
In the menu 'settings'...see screenshot.
Sun Jul 7 2024, 01:55:08, download attachment 16F628a_config.jpg
(no subject) (by Andre Luiz Albrich (Brazil))
Okay, but how do I get this hexadecimal value?
Is there a program that puts in the data and shows me the value in hexadecimal?
Sun Jul 7 2024, 13:46:06
(no subject) (by Calubert)
Mon Jul 8 2024, 04:52:43, download attachment binario para pantallas pic.pdf
(no subject) (by André Luiz Albrich (Brazil))
For those who have doubts about the configuration of fusesbits, the github wiki has a program. Follow the links



Google translator
Wed Jul 17 2024, 12:12:41
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