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LDmicro Forum - Agregar nuevos MCUs PIC18

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Agregar nuevos MCUs PIC18 (by Leo)

Soy nuevo en el mundo de LDMicro.

Estoy trabajando con la versión LDMicro32-6.0a.

Según entiendo, a partir de la información que leí en este foro, es posible incorporar nuevos MCUs modificando las definiciones .TXT que se incluyen en la carpeta "MCUs" de LDMicro32-6.0a.

Realice la modificación para incluir al MCU PIC18F2550-DIP-28, primo cercano del PIC18F4550, pero la lista de microcontroladores no se actualiza en el programa LDMicro32-6.0a.

Es necesario compilar el .exe del LDMicro32 para que los cambios tomen efecto? Es decir, para que aparezca en la lista de MCU PIC18 para seleccionar?

Quedo atento a sus comentarios.

Muchas gracias!



PD: Adjunto la definición que realice para el PIC18F2550-DIP-28
Sat Dec 2 2023, 16:39:57, download attachment Pic18F2550-PDIP-28.txt
Agregar nuevos MCUs PIC18 (by Leo)

I am new to the world of LDMicro.

I am working with version LDMicro32-6.0a.

As I understand it, from the information I read in this forum, it is possible to incorporate new MCUs by modifying the .TXT definitions that are included in the "MCUs" folder of LDMicro32-6.0a.

I made the modification to include the PIC18F2550-DIP-28 MCU, a close cousin of the PIC18F4550, but the list of microcontrollers is not updated in the LDMicro32-6.0a program.

Is it necessary to compile the LDMicro32 .exe for the changes to take effect? That is, so that it appears in the list of PIC18 MCUs to select?

Stay tuned to your comments.

Thank you so much!



PS: Attached is the definition you make for the PIC18F2550-DIP-28
Mon Dec 4 2023, 03:34:37
(no subject) (by Andre)
eu baixaria os arquivos fontes de duas versão, uma sem os micros adicionados e uma versão anterior sem os mesmo e ver o que foi e onde foi mudado
Mon Feb 5 2024, 22:10:13
(no subject) (by Andre)
Mon Feb 5 2024, 22:13:30
(no subject) (by José)

Only some 40 pins PIC18F are supported in ldmicro.
You can adapt a few a microcontroler in release 6 but cannot convert à 40 pin one into a 28 pin one.

Note that release 6 is an experiment, rather dedicated to huge µC because of memory size requirements.

Sat Feb 17 2024, 03:19:27
(no subject) (by Andre)
Wed Feb 21 2024, 06:20:24
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