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LDmicro Forum - About LDMicro 5405 and 5411 - Problems (by jose/Jonas)

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About LDMicro 5405 and 5411 - Problems (by jose/Jonas) (by Hudson)
Hello my friend José, I hope you are well and safe!

We have problems in versions and when compiling files for Mega2560 and 328P computers.

But well, we are "stuck in time", in a way.

I'm working with I2C, generating the files by AVR-GCC + Build C through the Onos Tech tutorials, so far so good!

The problem is in the reading of the AD of the PK and PF port of the 2560 when we are going to read and show it on the display, in several moments of the 1024 divisions we have a bug in the AD reading (example attached video) - There is a jump in the reading with devices (multimeter) the reading remains constant.

I've been looking at the libraries, it seems to me that there are some Crystal errors, internal pull up resistors...

I still can't say for sure, because I don't have such knowledge for that.

Do you have any solution or tip for Us?

I hope you understand our need for improvement, but we were frustrated not seeing the projects work 100%

Mon Mar 27 2023, 19:09:56, download attachment bug ldmicro 2560 - I2C.mp4
problem solved (by Hudson)
In partnership with our colleague Onos, we identified the problems of the current LD libraries, fixed them and now we have a correct version.

Thank you friend Onos.
Mon Apr 3 2023, 09:11:06
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