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LDmicro Forum - Bank select error![597:pic16.cpp]

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Bank select error![597:pic16.cpp] (by Pierluigi Filios)
I'm using a PIC16F887 with 20MHz quartz. I try to compile the program I wrote but the error comes out: Bank select error![597:pic16.cpp]. What am I doing wrong?
Tue Feb 14 2023, 07:11:26, download attachment Panel.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
Your program is too big and the cpu doesn't have enough ram memory.
Wed Feb 15 2023, 05:45:03
(no subject) (by paulino)
Tienes que comprimir mas tu programa, veo linea 9 y 10, que puedes su primir la linea 10 y colocar las salidas de MOV en la linea 9 (como hicistes la linea 9 continua hasta colocar todo linea 10.

Devi comprimere di più il tuo programma, vedo le righe 9 e 10, che puoi eliminare la riga 10 e posizionare gli output MOV nella riga 9 (come hai fatto, la riga 9 continua finché non metti tutto nella riga 10.

You have to compress your program more, I see lines 9 and 10, that you can delete line 10 and place the MOV outputs in line 9 (as you did, line 9 continues until you place everything in line 10.
Thu Feb 16 2023, 05:22:49
Bank select error![597:pic16.cpp] (by Angel Hernandez)
I have the same error but in my case I have not filled the memory of the microcontroller so does anyone know another reason why I'm having this problem? maybe it's because the number of lines of code that LDmicro supports for the PIC 16F877A or something like that
Tue Apr 4 2023, 01:11:33, download attachment Imagen de WhatsApp 2023-04-03 a las 20.35.22.jpg
(no subject) (by MGP)
It's always a lack of memory, program too big or too many variables.
UART operations also take up a lot of space.
Tue Apr 4 2023, 02:24:24
(no subject) (by Calubert)
Si quieres ver que es que te falta memoria copilalo como ATMega 2560 ya que este procesador tiene mucha mas memoria y veras que funciona la copilacion. y cuando veas que funciona deves de comprimir el programa ya veo que tienes 1 pulsador de RESET este pulsador deveria hacerse con una marca interna y llamarla cada vez que quieras hacer el reset.

If you want to see what memory you are missing, copy it as ATMega 2560 since this processor has much more memory and you will see that the compilation works. And when you see that it works, you must compress the program and I see that you have 1 RESET button. This button should be made with an internal mark and call it every time you want to do the reset.
Tue Apr 4 2023, 05:05:00
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