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LDmicro Forum - Tone decoder

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Tone decoder (by Dacman)

I would like to light a led when a frequency of 3kHz is detected with a PIC12F675, would you have an idea for the programming ?

Thank you,

Fri Jan 27 2023, 03:41:22
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Hello, I did a test for you, you must multiply the (ADC) x as many Hertz as you need 1023x5= 5.115 Hertz (as you can see I did it with 1023 and when you touch the potentiometer you will see that when you reach 1023 the LED will light up = 1kilohertz.

Hola te hice una prueva, deves de multiplicar el (ADC) x tantos Hercios necesites 1023x5= 5.115 hercios (como podras ver yo te lo hice con 1023 y cuando tocas el potenciometro veras que cuando llegues a 1023 se encendera el LED = 1kilohercio.
Mon Jan 30 2023, 07:14:03, download attachment Prueva Kilo hercios.ld
(no subject) (by Dacman)

thank you,

I will test as soon as possible !

Tue Jan 31 2023, 08:56:30
(no subject) (by MGP)

A PIC12F675 has no PWM pin in LDmicro.

It is a very unclear program where the duty cycle and frequency are probably mixed, I don't understand it.
Wed Feb 1 2023, 02:26:59
(no subject) (by paulino)
Hola JGP, es una alluda para que empiezen a comprender como se pueden hacer cositas, yo lo hago a lo rapido cuando veo alguna pregunta, intento hacer algo para que lo sigan ya se que hay mas formas de programacion con PLCs, yo soy un programador de PLCs.
= no se entiende bien,

Hello JGP, it is a help for them to begin to understand how things can be done, I do it quickly when I see a question, I try to do something so that they follow it, I know that there are more ways of programming with PLCs, I am a programmer of PLCs.
= it is not well understood,
Fri Feb 3 2023, 07:07:39
(no subject) (by paulino)
Hola JGP, es una alluda para que empiezen a comprender como se pueden hacer cositas, yo lo hago a lo rapido cuando veo alguna pregunta, intento hacer algo para que lo sigan ya se que hay mas formas de programacion con PLCs, yo soy un programador de PLCs.
= no se entiende bien,

Hello JGP, it is a help for them to begin to understand how things can be done, I do it quickly when I see a question, I try to do something so that they follow it, I know that there are more ways of programming with PLCs, I am a programmer of PLCs.
= it is not well understood,
Fri Feb 3 2023, 07:44:38
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