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LDmicro Forum - Bank Error 597

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Bank Error 597 (by Alex)
I have created a ladder using serial lcd, i can´t compile my ladder unless I delete one single rung in ladder, rung 46, see image attach,if I delete that single rung i can compile with 57% used memory, why one single rung can be so big? I attach ladder too
Mon Dec 19 2022, 22:57:39, download attachment bank error 597.zip
(no subject) (by Alex)
I´m using,
Mon Dec 19 2022, 22:58:41
(no subject) (by PAULINO)
Hola Alex, para este micro estas sobrepasada la memoria, yo prove con 328 de atmega y queda al 43%.
deves comprimir mas tu programa yo te hize algunas modificaciones, miratelas y sigue comprimiendo si quieres que te sirva la pic16f877

Hello Alex, for this micro you are exceeding the memory, I tried with 328 of atmega and it remains at 43%.
You must compress your program more, I made some modifications, look at them and continue compressing if you want the pic16f877 to work for you
Tue Dec 20 2022, 06:36:06, download attachment control_automatizado_2023.ld
(no subject) (by Alex)
To PAULINO, thanks for your reply and for your ladder, I´ll keep compressing it
Tue Dec 20 2022, 11:50:43
(no subject) (by Alex)
i have compressed my ladder, it compiles :), it works as i wanted to, thanks PAULINO
Tue Dec 20 2022, 20:26:09, download attachment compressed ladder.jpg
(no subject) (by paulino (Calubert))
OK me alegro que lo hayas conseguido, la programacion se trata de comprimir cuando hace falta espacio...

OK I'm glad you got it, programming is all about compressing when space is needed...
Wed Dec 21 2022, 04:46:57
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