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LDmicro Forum - Some last wishes for Ldmicro

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Some last wishes for Ldmicro (by Alex)
it is a fact that Ldmicro has been improved during these years, I am very happy for that,but i think there is something missing...
I would like to have a Ldmicro Version with all working functions, like I2C,parallel lcd, good servo motor working,decimal numbers, I think we have it all with LDMICRO32 and some with Build C with version, what I mean is that there should be a combined ultimate version between those 2 versions, easy to use, easy to make Build C with 3rd party programs, easy to chain 3rd party progrmas with Ldmicro, easy to download HEX directly with Ldmicro, like Arduino.

I am very thankful for what Jhonathan, Ihor and José have done with Ldmicro, let´s don´t let die this beautiful home for us Ldmicro lovers..
Mon Dec 19 2022, 00:27:03
(no subject) (by José)
Hi Alex

I have tried to improve some things in ldmicro, but as you say there remains much work...

Personaly, I don't have time at this moment, but maybe some more in a few months !

Happy new year
Mon Jan 2 2023, 03:13:35
(no subject) (by Alex)
thanks for your reply José, I can´t imagine how much work is needed, it must be a lot of work.
Mon Jan 2 2023, 20:16:49
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