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LDmicro Forum - Data Verification Error / Data Corruption while programming more than 64KB Flash

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Data Verification Error / Data Corruption while programming more than 64KB Flash (by Noor)
So Today I was trying to program my ATMega1284P uC which has 128KB Flash Memory and my Ladder Was about 80KB Flash while uploading the Program I got Data verification Errors

I did some digging and found out that AVR MCUs With more than 64kb flash have some PROGMEM settings which don't work with ldmicro

When I tried to upload Small Flash that was about 40KB it worked fine but with Flash more than 64KB i get Data Verification Error, like if I read data it's all changed from original Hex
Sat Apr 30 2022, 01:08:50
(no subject) (by Samukelo Shezi)
I am not an expert. But I would advise though, that for quicker response from the community, do mention the version of LDMicro you were using and if possible, attach your program. All the best!
Sun May 1 2022, 01:04:00
(no subject) (by José)
Maybe you can try to use ldmicro32 with external libraries + HTC compiler.
As the hex file is generated by the compiler (not by ldmicro), it should be able to manage your big files ?


Download 5.5 version (6.0 is a beta one not fully functional) and HTC-Pic16 compiler. Then unzip and read howto files.

Mon May 2 2022, 08:48:53
(no subject) (by Noor)
Thanks but I was using Atmel AVR ATmega1284P but it'sin not in the supported avr list of LdMicro32 however 1280 exists I will try using that.

Reply for first reply: i was using latest Ldmico 5411, Atmel ATMega 1284p, Programming it with AVR ISP, Programming Software: AVR Dude 6.4, For Ladder program: Any ladder program that compiles and uses more than 64kb flash gives verification errors
Tue May 3 2022, 02:54:09
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