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LDmicro Forum - Input swaping their normal states.

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Input swaping their normal states. (by Caio)
Hellow, sorry for disturbing, but I have an issue using LDmicro. I made a simple circuit in ladder to show in class and it works fine at the simulation, and the code get in arduino just fine, the problem happens when I start the tests on arduino.

First of all, it's 2 buttons (inputs) and one led (output), assigned respectively to pins 8, 9 and 10. On button turns the led on and it stays that way until I press off button, or that's was what I planned, but day by day of failing I find out the case of the problem: somehow the LDmicro pass to arduino the same circuit but the pin 8 (on button) works as normal closed instead of normal open, and pin 9 (off button) works like normal open instead of normal closed. Even if the diagram inside LDmicro shows the right one, the arduino always get the switched state buttons.

when analyzing the diagram with them switched, I see the pattern arduino was showing, so that's is how I discover the problem.

I am at home now, and get back to work to test my theory out just in thursday, so you would help a worried teacher if you can answer my 2 questions.

1: Has ever happened this kind of problem with anyone?
2: Have a solution for this problem or I will have to make my circuits with inputs swapped everytime I use LDmicro?

If I posted this in a wrong thread, if my English is not that good, or for any reason I offended someone, sorry in advance. Thanks everyone who read and take a time to help me out.
Sun Feb 27 2022, 15:09:26
(no subject) (by José)
Hi Caio

Can you let us know :

- which exact version of ldmicro you're using ?
- which Arduino target (Uno ?)

Can you post using "Attached file" below your little ld file ?

Best regards
Sun Feb 27 2022, 21:47:58
(no subject) (by Caio)
Oh Man, I could, but as I said, I am away of the computer I used. It is at the school I work. It is carnaval in Brasil so I can't ask for someone in there to send the file. I get back only in the Thursday.

I am using the Ldmicro from this link: https://www.filipeflop.com/blo...de-programar-o-arduino-ladder/

And the circuit is the same from the this web page of the link, not the big circuit, the simple one.
Mon Feb 28 2022, 10:26:57
(no subject) (by José)
Your ldmicro version (2014 ?) seems to be completely out of date....
Try a recent one ?
Mon Feb 28 2022, 13:31:46
(no subject) (by Calubert)
Debes cambiar las salidas de LDMicro a cerradas, ya que trabaja PNP/NPN [/] y las entradas si trabajan a NPN(-) o PNP(+).

las siglas son:

PNP = + NA/NC-(P) positivo- N Negativo, P Salida positivo y/o señal positiva
NPN = - NC/NA N negativo P Positivo N salida Negativa y/ señal negativa.

You must change the outputs of LDMicro to closed, since it works PNP/NPN [/] and the inputs if they work to NPN(-) or PNP(+).

the acronyms are:

PNP = + NO/NC-(P) positive- N Negative, P Positive output and/or positive signal
NPN = - NC/NO N negative P Positive N Negative output and/ negative signal
Tue Mar 1 2022, 04:48:34
(no subject) (by Caio)
Thank you all for the answers, I will try out your ideias, but I can only update LDmicro later at work. Calubert saludos amigo, I remember some of theses acronyms from my years at high school, but it is almost a decade I don't work with them so I will do a research on it. Your explanation is awesome but I am failing to understand yet since I don't remember it fully. Thank you two anyway, I will update this thread when I test the circuit again.
Tue Mar 1 2022, 07:08:37
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