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LDmicro Forum - please help Make persistent is not working ATMEGA2560

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please help Make persistent is not working ATMEGA2560 (by hassan)
Hello dears please help
Make persistent is not working ATMEGA2560
But Make persistent is ON working ATMEGA128
The program is the same for the controllers and for the LDMICRO
version 4.2
I am using Arduino Mega
What is the problem
Thu Dec 9 2021, 12:50:41, download attachment ATMEGA2560.rar
(no subject) (by Paulino calubert)
You are not assigned (XPP) the entry in both atmega

No tienes asignada (XPP) la entrada en ambos atmega
Sun Dec 12 2021, 05:56:28
(no subject) (by Hassan)
Lo siento, Sr. Paulino calubert, no puedo entender, por favor explique, mi experiencia no es suficiente.
Sun Dec 12 2021, 06:19:28
(no subject) (by hassan)
Sí, entiendo lo que quieres decir. Hay una entrada XPP no especificada Se ha comprobado y el problema no se ha resuelto.
Sun Dec 12 2021, 06:41:50
(no subject) (by hassan)
version of LDMICRO it works Make persistent in ATMEGA2560?
Sun Dec 12 2021, 15:17:17
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