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LDmicro Forum - Memoria do pic 16f877

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Memoria do pic 16f877 (by Antonio onofre da cruz)
I made a program with pic 16f877 with lcd but I didn't finish the program and it already occupied 92% of the capacity and I can't finish but what should I do? can you help me
Mon Jun 21 2021, 15:41:59
(no subject) (by MGP)
All you can do is write less to the serial port or maybe you have used too many variables?

Can you post your program (LD file)? because I've never seen a program that uses 92% of a 16F877 (14k).
Mon Jun 21 2021, 16:14:06
(no subject) (by Paulino calubert)
You should use the atmega2560 since it has much more program memory (we already know that strings take up a lot of memory)

te conviene usar el atmega2560 ya que tiene mucha mas memoria de programa (ya sabemos que las cadenas ocupan mucha memoria)
Tue Jun 22 2021, 07:30:27
(no subject) (by Jose Antonio F Rodrigues)

Tray the 16F887 is identical, but more memorie, I think...
Mon Jul 5 2021, 19:31:38
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