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LDmicro Forum - TwidoSwift counter in LDMicro

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TwidoSwift counter in LDMicro (by Guilherme)
Good morning. I'm a beginner at LDMicro. I noticed that in LDMicro there is no counter block like on TwidoSuite (image) , where there is an "D" output (Preset reached) that depends on CountDown and CountUp. I would like to know how I can give the same result in LDMicro, since there is only one CountUp and one CountDown.

My goal is to make a counting system in which a led lights up when the count reaches 20, which can be decreased before reaching the value 20.

Thanks. Sorry for my English
Sat Apr 17 2021, 11:09:24, download attachment sssss.png
(no subject) (by Guilherme)
Sat Apr 17 2021, 11:13:21
(no subject) (by OnoTech)
Hello Guilherme,

Use both CountUP and CountDown but give them the same variable name. See video for details https://youtu.be/NXcMbQtDOW0

Best Regards
Sat Apr 17 2021, 12:31:10
(no subject) (by Guilherme)
Sun Apr 18 2021, 03:03:46
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