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LDmicro Forum - up preset counter

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up preset counter (by Sourabh Pendkar)
We've uploaded this program in 16F628,but failed to operate the counter.
Is our program correct?
plz suggest suitable correction.
Tue Mar 30 2021, 05:46:21, download attachment Counter Schematic updated.pdf
(no subject) (by Sourabh Pendkar)
the ld micro program file is attached here.
Tue Mar 30 2021, 05:47:30, download attachment up_down_counter.ld
(no subject) (by Manuel)
Hola MGP

gracias por tu ayuda yo pensaba que tu trabajabas con Arduino te agradezco tu buena voluntad
El contador que me as mandado no me deja copilar me sala un error en ranclón 50 te mando foto
Thu May 16 2024, 06:37:26, download attachment 20240516_122539.jpg
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