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LDmicro Forum - Random is missing in the user manual

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Random is missing in the user manual (by Tato atramatrix)
The thing is I am tatally new to ldmicro. After I got the hang of the fundamentals I started to ask myself how does the random function work here? The thing is I want to make a program where there is one button input and two ked outputs. Now when I press the button I want randomly one of the two outputs to be true. When I let go of the button the output that was true is false. Note when you press the button only one of the two outputs can be true. And when you let go of the button none of the outputs can be true. This is my simple programm. I am happy for any recommendations.
Wed Feb 24 2021, 17:26:37
(no subject) (by OnosTech)
Hi Tato,

Random instruction is actually in the user manual. However, I have attached a ladder logic you can build on. You can also follow my tutorial series on YouTube to acquaint yourself with the instructions we have treated so far.


Best Regards
Thu Feb 25 2021, 03:52:10, download attachment Random_LED.ld
(no subject) (by Andre Luiz Albrich (Brasil))
Hello onostech I'm already subscribed to your channel. 👍🏻
Thu Feb 25 2021, 11:47:11
(no subject) (by OnosTech)
Hi Andre, That is great! Thanks!
Thu Feb 25 2021, 15:14:29
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