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LDmicro Forum - Bluetooth

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Bluetooth (by Hudson-BR)
Olá meus amigos.

Algum de vocês conhecem algum caminho de configurar o bluetooth através do LDmicro?

Exemplo, na linguagem C (anexo), é possível definir o modo funcionamento, nome, senha, reset o BLE e assumir a configuraççao.

Gostaria de saber se o LDmicro possibilita fazer esta configuração dos Bluetooths através de algum modelo de comando pelo LD.
Mon Feb 1 2021, 21:24:25, download attachment exemplo ble.png
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Yo te diría que Si por la consola de TX-RX,
mira te los comandos que usa el Blutoo, y los mueves siempre por Serie, y todas las ordenes lo haces en LDMicro y lo cargas al micro,
yo he estado jugando con el modulo WIFI ES8266 y funciona con programa en LDMicro copilándolo en .ex, y me funciona creo que esto del Blue no tendrías que tener problema ya que los comandos -AT- los mandas cuando este modulo lo conectas al puerto serie del PC lo programamos con la consola y comandos -AT- NOTA; para que funcione con LDMicro el blue tiene que serie TX-RX, para que funcione por SPI deberás contactar con (JOSE Fransua) esta persona trata con librerías en C++ para que funcione el SPI etc. en LDMicro.

I would tell you that if through the TX-RX console,
Look at the commands that Blutoo uses, and you always move them by Series, and all the orders you do in LDMicro and load it to the micro,
I have been playing with the WIFI ES8266 module and it works with a program in LDMicro by copying it into .ex, and it works for me, I think that this Blue you should not have a problem since the -AT- commands are sent when you connect this module to the serial port from the PC we program it with the console and commands -AT- NOTE; For it to work with LDMicro the blue has the TX-RX series, for it to work through SPI you must contact (JOSE Fransua) this person deals with libraries in C ++ so that the SPI works etc. in LDMicro.
Tue Feb 2 2021, 05:03:43
(no subject) (by Hudson-BR)
Thank you Paulino for your attention. I go through English to improve writing.

I will work with 2560 + Blue HM10.

Okay, so there is a possibility. I must create the order of sending the blue AT configuration commands, as in the example of photo 2 attached.

One more doubt, TX -> RX and RX <- TX connector for configuring the mega 2560 + HM10. I say because the console of the arduino software is connected RX-> RX and TX-> TX.

I could look at photo 2 attached and check the logical reasoning that I drafted and check if this would be the way. If not, if you can indicate which variable to use or have a photo of the ldmicro console, for example, the configuration of the sei esp.
Tue Feb 2 2021, 06:33:45, download attachment photo 2.jpg
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Si tienes en el atmega varias salidas de TX-RX ahora no estoy seguro si tiene 4 salidas o 6 salidas TX-RX para que entiendas que podemos hacer con TX-RX si tiene 6 podremos conectar 6 periféricos y cada uno controla cada periférico independientes , yo no trabajo con Arduino, lo hago este 2560 con LDMicro todas las funciones. 6 pantallas de LCD y la verdad tiene creo 12 salidas PWM
Wed Feb 3 2021, 08:53:34
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Attach the program in LDMicro, and I will prove it to you, I don't know if the commands you must send all in a row or send one and wait to receive it (the answer) if it is waiting for an answer you must place the Uar-emission and Uar-reception instruction, yes receives strings it must place it in a row and if it does it by bit you must indicate which bit it has to move in the BLUU.

adjunta programa en LDMicro, y te lo probare, no se si los comandos los debes mandar todos seguidos o mandas uno y espera a recibirlo (la respuesta) si es que espera respuesta debes de colocar la instrucción Uar-emision y Uar-recepción, si recibe cadenas lo debe colocar seguidos y si lo hace por bit debes indicar que bit tiene que mover en el BLUU.
Wed Feb 3 2021, 10:34:16
(no subject) (by Hudson-BR)
Thank you Paulino.

atmega 2560 with ldmicro works only 1 rx / tx = \.

The program I did for testing would be from the "example ble" photo from the first post. Actually, I just wrote it the way I found an example in "photo 2" in C of the other post.

Wouldn't you have the ld file with this ESP configuration logic to attach here and who knows how to understand your reasoning?

Thank you
Fri Feb 5 2021, 06:45:12
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Not in the last and penultimate version Hinor did it for me and I connect all the tx-rx and I think I believe that he did it for all the versions and hinor will also see this publication and answer and affirm what we said.
Hinor can you please tell us if the ATM2560 included all TX-RX outputs

No en la versión ultima y penúltima Hinor lo hizo para mi y acoplo todas las tx-rx y creo creer que lo hizo para todas las versiones y hinor también vera esta publicación y contestara y lo afirmara lo que comentamos.
Hinor por favor puedes decirnos si el ATM2560 se incluyeron todas las salidas TX-RX
Fri Feb 5 2021, 14:41:46
(no subject) (by Hudson-BR)
Paulino, did not know that all rx / tx were available. In the MCU Parameters bar, it describes only pins rx / tx as 2 and 3 respectively, and when using a function it is not possible to address to another pin. I believe that not all rx / tx are available.

Hinor, if you can help in this matter of configuring a BLE (HM-10) using the ldmicro software.

You would have some contact from whatsapp Paulino, we meet and present my project to you, we can exchange the contact by email or other way.
Fri Feb 5 2021, 16:01:22
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Do not worry about this same way I think it is correct since this is studied by all administrators such as new programmers and beginners, and I do not think there is copyright and if there is, it is not a problem, this forum is big I think there is quite the world, Russians, European Americans, Africans, ETC.
An anecdote. I did a project and before I finished it, it already existed elsewhere. By this I mean that there are many people in the world and many think the same as another and the truth is that they do not know each other.
this is my data.

No te preocupes por esta misma via creo que es correcto ya que esto lo estudian todos los administradores como los nuevos programadores y principiantes, y no creo que haya copyright y si lo hay no es problema están grande este foro yo creo que hay del todo el mundo, Rusos, americanos europeos, africanos, ETC.
Un anécdota. hice un proyecto y antes de terminarlo ya existía por otras parte, con esto quiero decir que en el mundo hay mucha personas y muchas piensan lo mismo que otro y la verdad que no se conocen entre ellas.
esto son mis datos.
calubert@tecnocalubert. calubert@calubert. www.tecnocalubert.com www.calubert.com
Sat Feb 6 2021, 07:30:06
(no subject) (by Hudson-BR)

Your contacts, both phone and email, were a little confused ... could you please be clearer. The phone would be whatsapp, because add and not located?

Apparently, Hinor is not there for the forum.



Sus contactos, tanto el teléfono como el correo electrónico, estaban un poco confusos ... ¿podría ser más claro? El teléfono sería whatsapp, porque agregar y no ubicar?

Aparentemente, Hinor no está presente en el foro.

Tue Feb 9 2021, 15:32:58
(no subject) (by Paulino)
Son mis datos

Wed Feb 10 2021, 13:35:41
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