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LDmicro Forum - reseting a timer

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reseting a timer (by Mauro )
Hello everibody!

I'm trying to reset a timer, but I don't get it. When I press a key1, a THI beguns to count the time, but when a turn off the key1, the THI output continues high. I tryied to apply a RESET, but it don't works. How can i fix it? follows bellow the lines.

key1 T1 Y1
---][-------[THI 10s]-----------()---

key2 T1
Sat Dec 26 2020, 08:52:05
(no subject) (by MGP)
The manual states that the reset only sets the time(value) to zero, not the output.

If the 'res rung' is false, then the time restarts.
Sat Dec 26 2020, 11:19:27
(no subject) (by paulino)
You have 3 examples of how to make a timer and / or counter, moving data, resetting the counter and resetting the timer.

Tienes 3 ejemplos de copmo hacer temporizador y/o contador, moviendo datos, reseteando contador y reseteando temporizador, te lo hice los tres ejemplos en el mismo circuito Escalera.
Sun Dec 27 2020, 08:26:37, download attachment contador.ld
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